Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania First Reviews: Marvel's Star Wars and Memorable Performances

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is set to close out the Ant-Man trilogy, kickstart Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and introduce the next big villain, Kang the Conqueror. The first reviews are in,...

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is set to close out the Ant-Man trilogy, kickstart Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and introduce the next big villain, Kang the Conqueror. The first reviews are in, and while the film has its strengths, particularly with Jonathan Majors' standout performance as Kang and its Star Wars-like world-building, there are some mixed opinions on the script.

Is Quantumania another MCU hit?

According to critics, viewers are in for a treat with Quantumania. Danielle Solzman from Solzy at the Movies says, "I can say with 100% certainty that viewers are in for a treat." Jenna Anderson from calls it "an eccentric and essential spectacle." Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture praises its exceptional performances and genuine emotional moments. However, Peter Canavese from Groucho Reviews states that while it's fun for comic nerds, it may not be as enjoyable for everyone else.

Paul Rudd and Kathryn Newton in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

Where does it fit in the franchise?

Matt Rodriguez from Shakefire believes that Quantumania delivers an entertaining first act of what's to come in Phase Five. Jenna Anderson from describes it as the weirdest and most wholehearted chapter in the MCU. Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter mentions that it's the most overtly sci-fi film in the series. Ron Seoul-Oh from POC Culture thinks it serves as a pleasing change of pace after the emotionally heavy Wakanda Forever.

Image from Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

How does it compare to the previous Ant-Man movies?

Opinions are divided on how Quantumania stacks up against its predecessors. Rohan Patel from believes it's the best Ant-Man film yet, while Collier Jennings from But Why Tho? A Geek Community simply states, "The third time's the charm." On the other hand, Rob Hunter from Film School Rejects feels that the film deviates from the typical Ant-Man feel. Despite this, Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture highlights that the comedy still hits at the same level.

Humor is generally in shorter supply, according to Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter.

Paul Rudd, Kathryn Newton, and Evangeline Lilly in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

Will Star Wars fans enjoy it?

Critics draw comparisons between Quantumania and Star Wars, noting the film's intergalactic world and strange creatures. Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter describes it as a planet from one of the later Star Wars films, while Owen Gleiberman from Variety mentions the presence of old-school Cantina vibes. Jamie Broadnax from Black Girl Nerds even spots travel instruments and devices reminiscent of The Mandalorian. However, Andrew J. Salazar from Geeks of Color believes that while the film wants to be Marvel's new Star Wars, it falls short of achieving that status.

How is the script?

Opinions on the script are mixed. Owen Gleiberman from Variety points out that the rules seem to be made up as the film progresses, resulting in a lack of investment in the action. Hoai-Tran Bui from Inverse adds that the characters feel like action figures moved around to fulfill plot contrivances. Rohan Patel from mentions that the story serves its purpose but does little to surprise, relying on the chemistry between actors to elevate the material. On the other hand, Jamie Broadnax from Black Girl Nerds finds the script's genre identity somewhat uneven.

Paul Rudd, Kathryn Newton, and Evangeline Lilly in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

What about the action?

Critics praise Quantumania for its wild and unpredictable action sequences. Peter Canavese from Groucho Reviews mentions a stunning climactic battle involving a "probability storm." Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter adds that the ability of Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Cassie to change sizes at will adds frenetic and unpredictable beauty to the action. Joey Morona from Cleveland Plain Dealer highlights the challenge of keeping up with the fast-paced sequences.

How are the visuals?

Quantumania is lauded for its visually imaginative approach. Rohan Patel from describes it as one of the most visually ambitious comic book movies ever, while Jenna Anderson from believes it showcases the most Kirby-esque visuals in a superhero adaptation. Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture mentions the impressive use of Volume technology, resulting in a visually breathtaking Quantum Realm. However, Louisa Moore from Screen Zealots finds the Quantum Realm's visuals unappealing.

Jonathan Majors in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

How is Jonathan Majors' performance as Kang?

Critics unanimously praise Jonathan Majors' portrayal of Kang the Conqueror. Owen Gleiberman from Variety describes his performance as quietly forceful, making every word sound casually hypnotic. Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter mentions his arrestingly quiet stillness and ambivalence. Jenna Anderson from emphasizes Majors' ability to turn energy from the page into something magical. Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture sees his presence as elevating the entire film.

However, Matt Zoller Seitz from finds Majors' performance hammy and lacking clarity in conveying Kang's menace. Rob Hunter from Film School Rejects also feels that the film doesn't provide a clear understanding of Kang's motivations or powers.

What about MODOK?

While Kang steals the show for some critics, others highlight the impact of MODOK. Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter believes that MODOK is the villain who steals the picture. Rob Hunter from Film School Rejects enjoys Corey Stoll's delivery as MODOK and describes it as a blast. However, Andrew J. Salazar from Geeks of Color finds MODOK's inclusion to be a waste, with cheap gags overshadowing valuable storytelling.

Michelle Pfeiffer in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumnia (Photo by ©Marvel Studios)

Who else in the cast does a great job?

Michelle Pfeiffer's performance as Janet van Dyne is highly praised by critics. Rohan Patel from describes her as fantastic in every facet of the film. Jenna Anderson from highlights her portrayal of comic-accurate Janet Van Dyne, showcasing complex qualities. Frank Scheck from the Hollywood Reporter acknowledges her terrific performance with pathos. Courtney Howard from Fresh Fiction mentions Pfeiffer's ability to rise above the fray. Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture points out her strong chemistry with Jonathan Majors.

Are there any other issues with the movie?

According to some critics, Quantumania has pacing issues, with the film sometimes feeling slow. Hoai-Tran Bui from Inverse criticizes the comedy, which she feels is outdated and delivered by tired actors. Eric Eisenberg from Cinema Blend remarks that character arcs are lacking, apart from Scott Lang's slight effort to be a better father. Kristy Puchko from Mashable expresses concerns about the film prioritizing merchandising and cross-promotion over character-based storytelling. Courtney Howard from Fresh Fiction finds the first end credit tag more thrilling than the entire film.

Paul Rudd and Jonathan Majors in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (Photo by Jay Maidment/©Marvel Studios)

Is it a good enough time at the movies anyway?

While there are some criticisms, critics generally agree that Quantumania offers an entertaining experience. Matt Zoller Seitz from highlights its low-stress, low-stakes attitude, which saves the film. Peter Canavese from Groucho Reviews believes it offers sensational spectacle and adventure. Germain Lussier from suggests that there's enough Marvel magic to cover up the film's flaws. Ron Seoul-Oh from POC Culture recommends it for Kang's presence.

Will it make us excited for the next chapter of the MCU?

For many critics, Quantumania sets the stage for exciting future developments in the MCU. Matt Rodriguez from Shakefire views it as a solid start to Phase Five. Meredith Loftus from Next Best Picture believes the film's actions have massive implications for what lies ahead. Jamie Broadnax from Black Girl Nerds sees it as a warm-up to more exciting things to come. However, Eric Eisenberg from Cinema Blend raises concerns about the MCU's direction, and Owen Gleiberman from Variety questions the future phases.

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania opens in theaters everywhere on February 17, 2023.

Thumbnail image by Jay Maidment/©Marvel Studios

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