Avatar: Discovering James Cameron's Epic Journey through Time and Space

Is reality getting you down? Step into the mesmerizing world of Pandora, a planet teeming with lush jungles, floating mountains, vibrant wildlife, and the enigmatic Na'vi people with their blue skin. James Cameron's Avatar franchise...

Is reality getting you down? Step into the mesmerizing world of Pandora, a planet teeming with lush jungles, floating mountains, vibrant wildlife, and the enigmatic Na'vi people with their blue skin. James Cameron's Avatar franchise is more than just a sci-fi saga; it delves into themes of environmentalism, family, and colonization. With the original film smashing box office records and its highly anticipated sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water, on the horizon, you may be wondering how to embark on this epic adventure. Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here's everything you need to know about the Avatar franchise and how to watch it in the right order.

Discovering Avatar: The Release Order

If you want to experience the Avatar saga as it unfolded, follow this list to watch the films in their release order. Keep in mind that release dates and titles may change due to production issues, but for now, this is the order we have from James Cameron and 20th Century Studios.

  • Avatar (2009)
  • Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
  • Avatar 3 (2025)
  • Avatar 4 (2029)
  • Avatar 5 (2031)

Avatar: The Way of Water Image credit: Disney

Exploring the Avatar Universe: The Chronological Order

If you're intrigued by the chronological order of events in the Avatar franchise, follow this timeline. As of now, the release order and chronological order align, but James Cameron may introduce a prequel in the future. Here's a breakdown of when each film takes place:

  • 2154: Avatar
  • 2168: Avatar: The Way of Water (forest burning prologue)
  • 2170: Avatar: The Way of Water and Avatar 3 (Avatar 3 takes place shortly after The Way of Water)
  • 2175: Avatar 4 and 5 (Avatar 4 is set 5 years after Avatar 3, while Avatar 5 occurs in the same time period)

Please note that the timeline for the unreleased films is subject to change as the scripts undergo revisions. We're basing this information on interviews and available chronology details.

Avatar: The Way of Water Image credit: 20th Century/Disney

The Enigma of Disney's Avatar Rides

As you immerse yourself in the Avatar films, you might yearn to step foot on Pandora. Thanks to Disney, that dream can become a reality. Disney created Pandora: The World of Avatar, an immersive themed area at their Animal Kingdom theme park in Orlando, Florida. Designed under James Cameron's supervision, this area recreates the enchanting landscapes and atmosphere of the films. You'll encounter towering trees, vibrant plants, and even the illusion of Pandora's floating mountains through clever visual tricks.

Avatar Flight of Passage ride at Disney Image credit: Disney

The themed area boasts two exhilarating rides: Na’vi River Journey and Avatar Flight of Passage. According to Joshua Izzo, Vice President of Lightstorm Entertainment (James Cameron's production company), these rides and the entire themed area are considered canon and take place roughly 100 years after the events of the first Avatar film. Disney cast members will even refer to the Avatar films as "documentaries" to fully immerse guests into the world of Pandora.

The Expanding Avatar Universe

The world of Pandora stretches beyond the movies, with the Avatar franchise venturing into comics, video games, and even a stage play. Here's an overview of the Avatar expanded universe and the canon status of various projects:

  • James Cameron's Avatar (The Mobile Game) - An iOS and Android game following a marine named Ryan Lorenz who defects to the Na'vi. This game is not considered canon.
  • James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (Nintendo DS) - A video game tie-in to the first film following a young Na'vi named Nok. This game is not considered canon.
  • James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (Nintendo Wii/PSP) - Another video game tie-in where you play as a Na'vi warrior named Rai'uk. Not considered canon.
  • James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (PlayStation 3/Xbox 360) - Set two years before the first film, following a military officer named Able Ryder. Not considered canon.
  • Toruk - The First Flight - A 2015 stage show from Cirque du Soleil set in 857 BC, before the events of the first Avatar film. This stage play is considered canon.
  • Avatar: Warrior's Journey - A comic book set during the events of the first film, exploring Jake Sully's relationship with his brother. This comic is considered canon.
  • Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path - A comic book set during the events of the first film, focusing on a Na'vi warrior named Tsu'tey encountering Jake Sully. This comic is considered canon.
  • Avatar: The Next Shadow - A comic book set two weeks after the first film, following Jake Sully's attempts to ease tensions among the Na'vi. This comic is considered canon.
  • Avatar: Adapt or Die - A comic book set before the first film, featuring Grace Augustine's efforts to broker peace. This comic is considered canon.
  • Avatar: The High Ground - A comic book serving as a prequel to Avatar: The Way of Water. This comic is considered canon and takes place in 2168.
  • Avatar: Reckoning - An MMORPG game set in Pandora and considered canon.
  • Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora - An upcoming open-world video game set shortly after the flashback prologue in Avatar: The Way of Water. This game is considered canon.

Avatar, The Last Airbender: An Animated Detour

While seeking Avatar media, you may encounter the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. This franchise is entirely separate from James Cameron's Avatar saga. We understand the confusion arising from two popular franchises sharing the same name. To differentiate, remember that James Cameron's Avatar is a live-action film series featuring blue people. Avatar: The Last Airbender, on the other hand, is an animated series revolving around a bald kid named Aang. Feel free to explore both franchises if you wish.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Image credit: Nickelodeon

Where to Watch Avatar

To embark on your journey to Pandora, all you need is a subscription to Disney+. James Cameron's Avatar films are currently available for streaming on this platform. Disney+ even curated an Avatar collection, including behind-the-scenes documentaries to enrich your viewing experience.

If you prefer owning digital copies of the films, you can purchase them from various video-on-demand platforms like Google Play Movies, Vudu, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV. And if you're a fan of physical media, you'll have no trouble finding Avatar in most home media stores.

Now you have everything you need to navigate the Avatar franchise and delight in your voyage to Pandora. Enjoy the breathtaking wonders that await you!