Flying with a Baby on Allegiant Airlines: Tips and Insights

Flying with a baby can be a daunting experience, especially if you're traveling with Allegiant Airlines. But fear not! In this article, we'll provide you with all the information you need to have a smooth...

Flying with a baby can be a daunting experience, especially if you're traveling with Allegiant Airlines. But fear not! In this article, we'll provide you with all the information you need to have a smooth journey with your little one.

The Lowdown on Allegiant Airlines

Let's start by discussing what it's like to fly with Allegiant Airlines in general. As a low-cost/budget airline, Allegiant offers no-frills service. Don't expect in-flight entertainment or first-class seats. You'll have to pay extra for things like seat selection, overhead bin carry-ons, checked luggage, and onboard snacks and drinks. It's important to be aware of these additional costs when planning your trip.

allegiant airlines lap baby Image: A lap baby on Allegiant Airlines

Lap Babies on Allegiant Airlines

If your child is under the age of two, you can book them as a lap baby. This means they won't have their own seat and will sit on your lap throughout the flight. The advantage of this is that your baby can fly with you at no extra charge. While the seats may be small and not the most comfortable, it's definitely doable to have a lap baby on Allegiant Airlines. In fact, many parents have successfully traveled this way, even if they would prefer their baby to have a separate seat.

lap babies on Allegiant Airlines Image: Lap babies on Allegiant Airlines

Flying with a Baby: What You Need to Know

Before embarking on your journey, it's natural to have questions about flying with a baby. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and the insights we've gathered:

What ID Do I Need to Fly with My Baby?

You might be asked to provide identification for your baby, such as a passport, birth certificate, or government-issued photo ID. While it's not always required, it's better to carry these documents with you, just in case. Remember to keep the originals safely tucked away and provide copies if requested.

flying with infant Image: Flying with an infant

Gate Checking Baby Items

Allegiant Airlines allows you to gate check a stroller and car seat for free. Gate checking means you can use these items until you board the plane and then leave them at the gate. This is extremely convenient, as you can freely navigate the airport with your child until the last moment. Just make sure to ask the airline staff for guidance on where to leave your items.

Car Seats on the Plane

If you have purchased a seat for your child, you can bring a car seat onboard. It's essential to ensure that the car seat is FAA approved. Look for a sticker on the side of the seat indicating its approval status.

Best Travel Stroller and Car Seat for Babies

For shorter trips, your regular stroller should suffice. However, for longer journeys, consider investing in a travel stroller like the MINU, which is light and easy to transport. As for car seats, the Cosco car seat is a popular choice among parents due to its lightweight design. Just keep in mind that it is suitable for babies up to 40 pounds.

Keeping a Baby Entertained on a Flight

When it comes to keeping your baby entertained during the flight, introducing them to new toys can be a great way to capture their attention. Consider items like fidget spinners with suction, sensory toys, or spin toys with suctions. It's best to save these toys exclusively for the flight to make them more exciting for your little one.

best airplane toys for baby Image: Best airplane toys for babies

Breastfeeding and Formula on a Flight

If you're breastfeeding, you may want to opt for a window seat for added privacy. During takeoff, nursing can help your baby adjust to the change in cabin pressure. If you're carrying formula, remember to pack more than you think you'll need, as there's always a chance of delays. You can bring water bottles for formula, but they must be for the baby's use only. If you need hot water, consider carrying a thermos or requesting it from an airport restaurant before boarding.

Ubering With a Baby

Ubering with a baby is relatively easy as long as you bring your car seat with you. Most infant seats do not require a base for safe installation, but it's advisable to bring it along if you prefer the ease of using a base. It's worth noting that Allegiant Airlines offers nonstop flights and affordable fares, making it a convenient option for families.

Now that you're armed with valuable insights, flying with a baby on Allegiant Airlines should feel less overwhelming. Remember to prepare in advance, pack everything you need, and embrace the adventure of traveling with your little one. Bon voyage!

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best airlines for families Image: Best airlines for families