Hair Extensions For Pixie Cut: How to Rock Your New Hairdo

You’ve probably spent months admiring pixie cut hairstyles on Pinterest, wondering if you have the courage to go for it. But what happens when you start missing your long locks? While a pixie cut is...

You’ve probably spent months admiring pixie cut hairstyles on Pinterest, wondering if you have the courage to go for it. But what happens when you start missing your long locks? While a pixie cut is stylish and chic, it can sometimes limit your hairstyling options. But fret not! With hair extensions, you can still experiment with different looks and rock your pixie cut with confidence.

Hair Extensions for Pixie Cut Image Source: ZALA Hair Extensions

Embrace the World of Hair Extensions for Pixie Cuts

Hair extensions have long been used to add length and volume to hairstyles. What many people don't realize is that they can also be used to extend pixie cuts. It may require a bit more effort, but the results are definitely worth it. Here are some tips on how to wear hair extensions for pixie short hair:

Make Your Pixie Sleek

Before clipping in your hair extensions, it's crucial to make your natural hair sleek. Apply some gel to ensure that your hair appears seamless when the extensions are added. This will prevent any stray hairs from sticking out and create a more natural look. Consider using Zala Hair's Seamless Clip in Hair Extensions, which are lightweight and specially designed to lay flat on top of your head, ensuring a discreet and natural appearance.

Sectioning is Key

Proper sectioning is essential for achieving a natural and seamless look with hair extensions. Take your time to carefully divide your hair into sections, depending on your head shape and how your bangs fall. Avoid making the sections too wide, as they may not adequately cover the clips of your extensions. If you're looking for the perfect extensions for your pixie cut sections, Zala Hair offers a range of options, including the Ice Queen Platinum Blonde set, available in 5-piece and 9-piece sets, ensuring the best fit for your specific needs.

Add Layers for Volume

Believe it or not, you can achieve a voluminous look even with a pixie cut. The trick is to add extensions gradually. Apply a few layers of extensions and gauge the volume before deciding if you want to add more. Ensure that each layer blends seamlessly with the previous one. Zala Hair's Quadweft Clip in Hair Extensions are a fantastic choice for adding volume, with a whopping 310G per set and the option of 20-inch or 24-inch sets.

Conceal Stray Strands with Single Wefts

Even with the best styling and gel, pixie cuts often have stubborn strands that stick out. To hide these pesky strands, use single-weft hair extensions. Clip them on the sections where your natural hair is not cooperating. This will help blend the extensions more seamlessly and create a flawless look. For those with jet black hair, Zala Hair's Jet Black Clip in Hair Extensions are an ideal solution, available in two options to ensure a perfect match.

Choose Your Perfect Hair Extensions

Hair extensions for pixie cuts offer a range of options in terms of length, volume, and color. Whether you prefer black, ash gray, or red hair, ZALA has you covered. Remember, our hair is an integral part of our identity, and with these tips, you can confidently embrace your pixie cut. Soon enough, you'll be strutting down the streets, turning heads with your fabulous new hairdo.

For more hair tips and tricks, explore our ZALA blog today!