Jack in the Box: Fueling Athletes with Healthy Options

Image source: Jack in the Box® website With jam-packed training schedules and competition demands, athletes often find themselves relying on fast food for a quick meal on-the-go. But fear not! Jack in the Box offers...

Healthy Fast Food Choices Image source: Jack in the Box® website

With jam-packed training schedules and competition demands, athletes often find themselves relying on fast food for a quick meal on-the-go. But fear not! Jack in the Box offers a range of healthy options that can keep athletes properly fueled and energized. Let's delve into some invaluable tips for making healthier choices at fast-food joints, and then explore the top 10 nutritious options available at Jack in the Box.

Tips for Making Healthy Fast-Food Choices

When navigating through fast-food menus, athletes can keep these tips in mind to make healthier choices:

  • Limit Fried Foods: Opt for grilled, baked, steamed, or roasted options instead of fried items.
  • Mindful Portions: Avoid super-sizing meals and opt for moderation. If hunger strikes later, grab a healthy snack.
  • Healthy Side Items: Many fast-food chains now offer side salads, fruit cups, and steamed veggies as healthier alternatives.
  • Sauce on the Side: Keep an eye on fat content by requesting dressings and spreads on the side. This way, you control the amount you add.
  • Nutritious Beverages: Choose water, low-fat milk, fruit juice, or unsweetened tea over sugary drinks.

Healthy Fast-Food Choices for Athletes

Athletes should focus on meals that provide good sources of carbohydrates and a moderate amount of lean protein, while keeping saturated fat intake low. Carbohydrates fuel energy, while protein aids in building and maintaining muscle mass.

Jack in the Box Healthy Options for Athletes

Healthy Fast Food Breakfast Choices Image source: Jack in the Box® website

Now, let's dive into the top 10 healthy options athletes can enjoy at Jack in the Box:

1. Breakfast Jack

The Breakfast Jack is an ideal breakfast option for athletes. Packed with grilled ham, a freshly cooked egg, and American cheese on a toasted bakery bun, this sandwich offers a good balance of carbohydrates (30g) and protein (16g).

2. Sourdough Breakfast Sandwich

For a delicious twist, athletes can try the sourdough breakfast sandwich. This variant includes grilled ham, a freshly cooked egg, American and Swiss cheese on grilled sourdough bread. It offers 20g of protein and 35g of carbs.

3. Jumbo Jack

The original Jumbo Jack single patty burger is a simple yet effective way for athletes to get their carbohydrates and protein. Made with 100% beef, each burger provides 23g of protein and 32g of carbs. Opt for extra vegetable toppings and request the bun to be toasted without butter to reduce saturated fat content.

4. Jr. Jumbo Jack

For those with smaller appetites, the Jr. Jumbo Jack is a perfect option. With a smaller beef patty, this burger provides 14g of protein and 31g of carbs. Add extra vegetable toppings to enhance the nutritional value.

5. Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Athletes seeking a balanced meal can opt for the grilled chicken sandwich. It features a grilled chicken patty on toasted sourdough bread, topped with lettuce and tomatoes. This sandwich offers 33g of protein and 40g of carbs. Request the bread to be toasted without butter and consider ordering the sauce on the side to reduce fat content.

6. Chicken Teriyaki Bowl

The chicken teriyaki bowl is an excellent choice for athletes, providing both lean protein (34g) and carbohydrates (109g). It consists of white rice topped with grilled chicken strips, veggies, and teriyaki sauce. To keep it healthier, limit the egg roll to one piece.

7. Chicken Fajita Pita

For a flavorful option, athletes can go for the chicken fajita pita. Made with grilled chicken strips, shredded cheese, lettuce, tomato, and grilled onion, all stuffed in whole grain pita flatbread, this sandwich delivers 27g of protein and 34g of carbs. Add salsa for an extra kick.

8. Garden Salad with Grilled Chicken

Jack in the Box offers a variety of fresh salads, and the garden salad with grilled chicken is a standout. It provides 23g of protein. Opt for the low-fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing for a healthier choice.

9. Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken

For a Southwestern twist, athletes can choose the southwest salad with grilled chicken. This salad features mixed greens topped with grilled chicken, tomatoes, carrots, black beans, corn, shredded cheese, and tortilla strips. It offers 29g of protein and 7g of dietary fiber. Again, consider the low-fat balsamic vinaigrette or use the southwest dressing sparingly.

10. Side Salad

A healthy side item to complement any meal is the side salad with mixed greens, grape tomatoes, and carrots. Top it off with the low-fat balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

11. Tree Top Apple Sauce Pouch

To satisfy your sweet tooth, consider ordering a Tree Top® applesauce pouch as a side item. Each pouch provides 10g of carbs, 1g of fiber, and essential Vitamin C. Applesauce makes for a fantastic high-carb snack prior to workouts.

Athletes should remember to focus on selecting menu items that provide a good source of carbohydrates, lean protein, and to be mindful of portion sizes.


With these 10 healthy options, athletes can conveniently dine at Jack in the Box and stay on track with their nutrition goals. Remember, making mindful choices when eating out is crucial for athletes' performance and overall well-being. Stay fueled and enjoy your meals responsibly!

About the Author:

Mandy is a Sports Dietitian Nutritionist based in San Antonio, TX. She brings extensive experience working with athletes at various levels, from high school to professional. As a registered and licensed dietitian, a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, a licensed athletic trainer, and a certified exercise physiologist, Mandy aims to help individuals reach their full potential by establishing a healthy nutritional foundation. Learn more about Mandy's work [here](insert link).