Left Right Bridal Shower Game: A Classic Way to Bond and Have Fun

A bridal shower is a special event designed to shower the bride with love and support. It's an opportunity for everyone to come together and build camaraderie. And what better way to do that than...

A bridal shower is a special event designed to shower the bride with love and support. It's an opportunity for everyone to come together and build camaraderie. And what better way to do that than by playing games? One classic game that's perfect for a bridal shower is the Left Right Bridal Shower Game.

How to Play the Left Right Bridal Shower Game

The Left Right Bridal Shower Game is similar to musical chairs, but instead of moving chairs, the players pass gifts to the person sitting beside them. Here's how it works:

  1. Set up chairs in a circular formation in the middle of your venue.
  2. Each player should be seated, making sure that the gifts are spread evenly.
  3. The host, typically the maid of honor, will read a story to the players.
  4. The story is written in a way that uses the words "left" and "right" frequently.
  5. When the guests hear these words, they pass the gifts to the person on their left or right, respectively.
  6. The player who has a gift when the story ends gets to keep it.

Printable Stories for the Left Right Bridal Shower Game

To make your bridal shower even more enjoyable, we have compiled three printable stories that you can use for the Left Right Bridal Shower Game. These stories are designed to keep everyone engaged and entertained throughout the game. Click on the links below to download the PDFs:

  1. Wedding Planning - Left Right Bridal Shower Story
  2. Going Right/Left to the Chapel
  3. The Search is Over

Tips for a Successful Left Right Bridal Shower Game

To ensure that the Left Right Bridal Shower Game goes smoothly, here are some tips for facilitating the game:

Storytelling and Delivery

The success of the game highly depends on the host's storytelling and delivery. Here are a few reminders to elevate your storytelling and keep the players engaged:

  • Emphasize the importance of attentiveness and listening for the cues "left" and "right."
  • Vary your reading speed occasionally to keep the players on their toes.
  • You can emphasize the words "left" and "right" to make it easier for the guests to follow along.

Add Twists to the Game Mechanics

To add more excitement to the game, consider introducing additional instructions and mechanics. Here are a few ideas for twists:

  • When the partner is referred to as "Mr. Right," do not pass the gift.
  • When the partner is referred to as "Mr. Right," pass the gift to the left instead.
  • Pass the gift to the direction it was passed before every time a wedding-related vendor is mentioned.
  • Reverse the cue ("right" becomes left or "left" becomes right) every time a person is mentioned by name.

Remember to inform your guests about these twists before the game starts, explaining the mechanics to minimize confusion and rule-breaking.

Number of Participants and Gifts

Ideally, the Left Right Bridal Shower Game is intended for 10-15 participants. The average number of gifts in a typical game is three to five, depending on the number of players. Make sure that each player has a chance to hold a gift at least once throughout the game.

Themed Gifts

While wedding-related mementos and keepsakes are often given as gifts, you can also opt for a themed approach. Consider giving small bottles of perfume, cosmetics, or accessories. You can even make the game more exciting by telling the players to wear their prize for the rest of the bridal shower.

Consider the Guests

When choosing a script for the game, keep in mind the preferences and comfort of your guests. If you have conservative guests or kids in attendance, stick to sweet and family-friendly stories. However, if your guest list includes more open-minded individuals, feel free to opt for a script with a more risqué theme.

In Conclusion

The Left Right Bridal Shower Game is just one of the many options available to fill your bridal shower itinerary. Whether you choose to play this game or others like Bridal Jeopardy or He Said She Said, the most important thing is to ensure that you and your guests have a joyful and entertaining experience. Let the games begin!

Bridal Shower Image source: example.com