The Girl in the Spider's Web: A Riveting Addition to the Millennium Series

The Girl in the Spider's Web (original title in Swedish: Det som inte dödar oss, lit. 'That which does not kill us') is a thrilling crime novel that continues the captivating story of Lisbeth Salander...

The Girl in the Spider's Web The Girl in the Spider's Web (original title in Swedish: Det som inte dödar oss, lit. 'That which does not kill us') is a thrilling crime novel that continues the captivating story of Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist in the Millennium series. Penned by David Lagercrantz, this novel takes the series in a new direction while staying true to the complex characters and intricate plotlines that readers have come to love.

The Evolution of the Millennium Series

In 2013, plans for a fourth Millennium book were announced, written by David Lagercrantz and set to be published in August 2015. With extreme caution, Lagercrantz kept the details tightly under wraps, ensuring that no early review copies were released. He crafted the story without internet access, fully immersing himself in the world of Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist. Lagercrantz aimed to maintain the series' complexity while adding his own unique touch, avoiding a mere imitation of Stieg Larsson's iconic writing style.

Acceptance and Criticism

As with any continuation of a beloved series, Lagercrantz's involvement faced both praise and criticism. The novel was translated into 38 different languages, including an English version by George Goulding. While Larsson's estate fully supported Lagercrantz's work, his long-term partner, Eva Gabrielsson, expressed her disapproval. Despite the divided opinions, readers eagerly anticipated the release of The Girl in the Spider's Web.

A Gripping Plot Unfolds

The Girl in the Spider's Web The novel centers around computer scientist Frans Balder, who returns to Sweden to care for his autistic son, August. Unbeknownst to Balder, a criminal organization called the "Spider Society" poses a threat to his life. Focused on his son's well-being, Balder dismisses the warnings, but his former associate, Linus Brandell, reveals connections between Balder's activities and Lisbeth Salander's past. Salander, driven by a childhood memory, delves into her own past, leading her to the secretive Spider Society. As she assists a group of hackers in breaching NSA servers, a dangerous cat-and-mouse game ensues, with the Spider Society and law enforcement in pursuit.

Resilience and Redemption

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Salander and Blomkvist's paths intertwine once again. Together, they navigate a treacherous world of corporate espionage and criminal networks, fighting for justice and their own survival. While facing their own demons, they uncover the truth behind Balder's murder and the far-reaching consequences of his work.

A Captivating Return

The Girl in the Spider's Web is a riveting addition to the Millennium series, bringing together unforgettable characters and an intricate plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. With its worldwide release in August 2015, Lagercrantz's novel introduced a new chapter to the remarkable legacy of Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist.


  1. Upsala Nya Tidning. Retrieved from here
  2. Official page for the novel at Swedish publisher Norstedts Förlag.

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