The Perks of Becoming an Independent Travel Agent

Imagine having the opportunity to travel to breathtaking destinations, enjoying deep discounts and tax breaks, all while loving every minute of it. This is the life of a professional travel agent. Not only do travel...


Imagine having the opportunity to travel to breathtaking destinations, enjoying deep discounts and tax breaks, all while loving every minute of it. This is the life of a professional travel agent. Not only do travel agents earn a living by helping clients plan their trips and vacations, but they also have access to travel discounts for hotel stays, car rentals, cruises, and tours.

While many travel agents work for travel agencies, some choose to go solo and open their own businesses. This decision is often driven by the desire to have flexible working hours and greater control over their employment conditions. However, it's important to note that starting a career as a travel agent may require relatively low initial costs. Building a solid and regularly traveling client base is essential for long-term success.

Now You Can Become a Travel Agent and Work From Home

In the past, people relied on their local travel agents to make travel arrangements. The agents worked out of storefront offices with proprietary data links necessary for their job. However, with the rise of the Internet, booking trips became easier, and travelers started making their own arrangements. While this shift initially posed challenges for traditional agencies, the travel industry has since stabilized.

Many travelers now prefer longer and more complex trips, or they simply don't want to deal with the hassle of working directly with travel suppliers. As a result, home-based travel agents have emerged, able to make a nice living while enjoying various perks. These agents often specialize in specific niches, which gives them credibility and enables them to provide personalized recommendations and answer questions that websites or booking centers may not be able to address. In this industry, clients truly appreciate the personal touch.

Do You Have What It Takes To Start Your Own Travel Business?

Running a travel business demands dedication and a willingness to learn new skills. Apart from staying updated on travel information, location advisories, industry trends, and different travel destinations, you'll also need to possess general business skills. This means you'll be wearing multiple hats, handling administrative duties, marketing, sales, and customer service.

Before starting your own travel business, ask yourself a few important questions:

  • Do you enjoy problem-solving?
  • Are you persuasive, with effective selling skills?
  • Do you have the necessary support?

A Simple Way To Start Your Own Travel Business That Works For Experienced Agents And "Newbies" Alike

Whether you're a newcomer to the travel industry or an experienced agent looking to go independent, affiliating with a host agency can be a great move. If you lack travel agency experience or fail to meet certain eligibility requirements, obtaining industry accreditations and starting your own business can be challenging. A host agency can provide you with the necessary resources to make your job easier, including global distribution system licenses, ARC and IATAN accreditation, and assistance with commission payroll and taxes.

When selecting a host agency, look for these essential characteristics:

  • Length of time the agency has been in business
  • Ongoing training and support
  • Lead generation assistance
  • Errors and omissions insurance
  • Favorable commissions and overrides
  • Full access to GDS for experienced agents
  • Point and click booking engines for non-GDS users

According to the American Society of Travel Agents, many travel agencies have reported an increase in revenue, transactions, and the number of clients in recent years. If you're considering a career in the exciting travel industry, now is the perfect time to get started.

This blog article was updated on 6/3/2015.